Archive :: "Real Life" (2007-2015)

Date Source Summary (click to expand)
20070330 IM

"I will carve into my flesh a promise to you, and I know I am the worst person in the world, but I want to commit suicide and I can't because I don't want my parents to cry. What the hell is wrong with me? You may be the only...person. Will you help me?"
"I was a fool for treating you with my fear. I don't know my full weaknesses but they are not too great to behave indecently and like a child... You have always made me feel more special than I deserve or am. You are the only person who has a right to destroy what is left... I don't deserve your friendship. I'm realizing that now."

20070331 Story

"As Julia spun her wand faster, the sky erupted into a fierce orange that spread across the sky like a stream of comets pouring past the Earth. Seth could never remember being so happy in his life, but did not know what to say."

20070401 Email

"He searched my face for love and friendship, recognition, the history we had together, the playfulness of the past, our visceral bond, and possibly the future I couldn't see written in my eyes."

20070402 IM

"I'm finding there are no available psychiatrists. I'm not freaking out, but I find it really disappointing."

20070403 IM

"You're an asshole! I get it! I get it! I am the worst person in the world."
"I last talked to him years ago. He wrote me a nice e-mail hoping I found someone who was great. I knew it then would never happen the way it happened before. Part of me just wants to throw it all away, go get an apartment in [...], and spend the rest of my days stalking him."
"I feel old and young, but I don't want to be either. I want there to be some balance. And I feel as if that one proverb in the bible is coming true...when I become a man, I shall put away boyish things. It makes my eyes watery. [What are the boyish things?] Day dreams of a different life, hopes for a better day, being innocent, and being afraid of everything as opposed to just bitter and angry."

20070406 IM

"Surprisingly, I felt really pumped the day after I spoke with the quack. I couldn't understand why, but I felt better about things in general."

20070409 IM

"[The movie] was childish, but it made me cry a lot. I feel like everyone is growing up and moving on with their lives whereas I am going backwards."

20070411 IM

Brandon has a job interview.

20070411 Email

Brandon gets offered his first job as a lawyer.
"I am anxious because I really want this job, but I can't calm down and just get through this day without worrying about whether I will actually get this job."

20070412 IM

"This is one crazy day. I just got two more job offers, in addition to the follow up with the police academy... I'm also confused as to why my searches suddenly turned favorable in one week."

20070419 IM

"I'm going to tell him I want to move on, but with him, even though we're in a somewhat impossible situation."

20070509 Email

"Here is that poem I said I['d] send..."

20070516 Email

"I called yesterday because I need your address. It's actually a laughable situation..."

20070521 Email

J: "I'm still angry as hell about wasting a year of my life, trying to help him find a job in the US... while he was screwing his student!"

20070523 Email

"I am a little bit relieved that you are getting frustrated, only because it means you still have those principles you advocated so many years ago."

20070629 Story

"If only he had his brothers with him; maybe he could have caught up with his star."

20070708 Story

"She turned her back so that it touched Kyran's left arm. Kyran felt the touch like the sound of a drum beat beside him. He didn't move, partly wanting to soak in the full sensation, partly to hide his embarrassment. His hands were now hot and he was sure if he touched her, she would burn."

20070827 Other

"My personality may warp as a result of his manipulative, secretive, and non-empathetic side. I don’t want to be with someone who routinely engages in game play for random excitement that comes as naturally as walking. I want someone p urer than that."
"I like that he has done ecstasy and had sex with multiple guys at one time. That intrigues me because it is taboo, and that is certainly not the kind of behavior one would expect from someone who has thoroughly and seriously studied the bible. It is also not the kind of knowledge I have."

20070827 Email

J: "It seems you keep gravitating towards bad boys because their little misdemeanoors make them seem more exciting, independent and seductive--because perhaps you wish you could have done the same things with just as light a heart as they."

20070904 Email

"When I arrived at the bar, I wanted to talk to other guys and genuinely get to know them. I felt like I was cheating on Joshua and wanted to not be dating him at that point, just so I could talk to other guys."
"I picked a fight with him... I challenged him and put up barriers between our present dating and future relationship. Despite the barriers (and they were pretty large), he came through positively... I realized I was testing him, but I still don't know why. It could have been because I was callous and wanted to cause him frustration. But I doubt it was just this because I put my own happiness at risk. ... I think I'm uncertain about what I want, and very hesitant about tying myself down and limiting my options."

20070918 IM

"I just wish I didn't hurt anyone's feelings."
"[After a break-up] Part of me rejoices that I won't have to choose someone else over Steve."

20070919 Email

"The magic of [college days] is in the air this morning. I feel it like a summoning and wish."

20071201 IM

"A friend has invited me to someone else's birthday probably to make it seem as if he has a date... it's just Justin trying to play me off as his date. Hah! Wait until I start hitting on the best looking guy there... Justin's a friend. He knows he can't seriously think I'll pretend we're there 'together.'"

20080119 IM

"Now that things are settled and the way I want them to be (ordered), my mind wants to control my 'boyfriend.'... It makes me want to fund a private investigator to trail him in [...]. Maybe I will."
"It takes me longer to determine whether I will like someone as much as I want to. Sometimes, it takes weeks."

20080203 Email

"I felt butterflies talking to him, like a squeeking-voiced teenager trying to sound cool. He told me about a guy he was casually dating and I silently applauded myself for keeping my cool and not getting aggravated. It wouldn't have served anyway: I would have still been lost on him and he would've been unfairly flattered. So I listened like a lawyer to a client's story."

20080207 Email

"I'm going to visit Steve... My plan is to surprise him there, but I'm really nervous. We should talk and strategize."

20080219 Email

"It was an extra-ordinary weekend and I'm feeling depressed I had to leave him."

20080314 Email

"I need a good love story, something inspiring."

20080314 Journal (B)

"A tight string pulled and then snap. What's left is nothing but slack, and in it no strength or vigor, self-loathing and confusion. All directions see in cold and hot desperation the path to happiness going unwritten. The warmth stopped. How maddening, how debilitating. And tiny ages, slow tiredness come to rest on this flesh and pull it down. Oh awful emptiness, haven't I paid my share. Why do you visit me so often? Am I the right and proper feast?"

20080314a Email

J: "You need to be whole on your own first... In our natural, initial state, darkness and all, we scare others. They feel exposed, probed, transparent, loomed over by something heavy and powerful that they can't name."

20080321 IM

"[why are you depressed?] I am trying to force relationships (friendships), but they aren't working... It's really depressing here, when the guys who you want to be around avoid you."
"[SNC] just turned 22, and normally, I don't find young guys very interesting. I don't think I can learn anything from them. ... I'm attracted to him because I felt safe around him. Instead of having to feel my way around his conversation like some defensive cat around a new scent, I felt free to be myself. I chose him and his friend Cavan to be my confidants. I fantasized about the trips we would all take and the experiences we would have...watching television and laughing, traveling to new venues, dancing, seeing the world around us."

20080324 IM

"Santiago de Compostela, next summer. Vacation. How about it?"

20080404 Email

"I notice (at least in my gym), that the "telling" part of gaydar is in the slightly prolonged glance of the attractive male 20 yards away, how he holds his glance just a little longer than usual, how his movement is multilayered, one forced thrust over one natural."
"I would be happy with genuine friends, those who are physically proximate; and, if there is not inherent connection, then I will use patience to build them, replacing kindred with history, soul with quest."

20080526 Email

J: "You flaking out EVERY time you find a boyfriend has caused me enough pain and frustration."

200806aa Photos

Brandon and Julia meet up at their college reunion.

20080712 Email

"If you do [write him], you should not tone down the underlying animosity. Let it rise like the good bile he inspires and pour out like the mess he's left behind."

20080713 IM

"[who was your teenage tv/movie crush?] Ralph Fiennes."

20080729 IM

"I'm imagining a world where people carry around gold necklaces that have a gem or badge of every person they were in a relationship with."
"You know my history with guys (usually I dump them)."
"When my brother took something of mine against my will, I took a stack of newspapers and rolled them up into dolls. I painted them red, hung some with string and tied them to his ceiling fan. I left the rest scattered around his room in random places. It looked like a massacre."

20081105 IM

"I'm considering getting into politics."

20081201 Story

"His seventh school and he was now in seventh grade, or was it his eighth school? It sure didn’t matter; he wouldn’t be here long enough to make it count or even get used to it."

20090106 Email

"I can't believe you're this close and I can't just hop a plane and visit... I think I'm changing and I want to talk to you more about that."

20090407 Email

J: "I'm not going to play voicemail tag."

20091020 Email

"Life is interesting, calm right now. There are a lot of characters who are starting to *stick*."

20091128 Email

J: "If you want to be able to take advantage of the comfort a friendship provides when some crisis hits you, you have to be willing to maintain it the rest of the time."

20091220 Email

"I used to call and text a weekly or biweekly basis to see if they wanted to have tea or breakfast. I may have gotten one call back... They greeted us at the bar and tried to give us hugs... And when they tried to stay close to [SNC] and I, we left them just like that. I knew before anything was said between us that I didn't like these persons anymore, despite how much I wanted to be their friends before. I guess I was a little mean... That was one ending no one could confuse for anything else. It hurt, and I don't want to be mean."
"He used the word 'friend' with me a time or two before, and it actually gave me some hope he might be willing to be someone who could honestly care about me. So I went up to him when I saw him last night and he told me he was with someone. I don't remember what I said, if anything, but I walked past him. And later that night, I wrote down on a sheet of paper three words beside his names and burned it."

20100103 Email

"I have felt a bit smothered by [SNC]. I realized today that I am becoming entrenched in our relationship, and it is not as if I can ever dig my way out..."

20100217 Email

Brandon recounts a complex dream.

20100307 Email

"I don't know who or what has caused it, but I realize I really hate people: sometimes, and often."
"I thought about how I wanted to spend my Sunday, how every time I made a movement away from my own selfishness, my mood changed rapidly from ease to fury, and how appalled and uncontrolled I could see it unfold. I've been this way for several days now. It's a look of ire I saw in a clerk's eyes, the isolation of work, and unending distractions my boyfriend cannot help but clutter his life with. I'm through with it all... Giving up, I feel withered and empty."
"Having forgotten what goodness it is to be alone, I realized how dim and foggy life is. I realized I may never be content or satisfied in this world, and that I may never really like people or feel appreciated by them."

20100404 Email

"I feel like my soul is healing with solitude. I remember too much loneliness is painful, but this time has been very helpful. I miss it and hope to have more time like this in the future."

20100916 Email

Brandon and Julia plan to meet up in LA.

201009aa Photos

Brandon drives from SF to LA for a weekend to meet up with Julia; she is there on a work trip.

20110221 Email

Julia is in LA again for work; this time Brandon doesn't feel like meeting up.

20110516 Card

"I get a little overwhelmed thinking about what moments took place here and how I'll never get them back."

20110610 Email

"I'm not worried these days about you invading my privacy. In fact, it'd be interesting to see you hack my account to rearrange my profile, like someone breaking into a home to rearrange furniture. I wonder how different it would look if you were shaping things."
"If he were presented with three gifts--wealth, love, or knowledge-- but could only select and retain one, he would select knowledge. I realized I would choose love... I find myself chasing after (mostly) men (I say mostly men because there are women like yourself who I really want to get to know well). He chases scientific inquiry."

20110828 Photos

Brandon has professional photos taken.

20111019 IM

"I woke up every hour, maybe because i had 3 thousand pages on my mind."

20111111 Letter

"His father had him cut his thigh with a scalpel and stitch the wound up." [PDF]

20111124 Photos


20120115 Photos

Brandon with relatives on Christmas.

20120216 Email

"I'm still so pissed I missed your wedding. Someday, money will be less of an issue."
All I am hoping for at this point is for someone to follow through and actually show up on a date."

20120306 IM

"I idealize an intimate relationship with two or three people."
"You came up in a personal thought. I was on a date and i thought to myself, Julia would approve."

20120506 Photos


20120805 Photos

Brandon at Comic Con.

20120818 IM

"[why are you depressed?] The usual, it doesn't work out with a guy and I get sad."

20121020 IM

J: "Do we get to talk as usual or will this turn into one of those extended sulking periods that ends when you have a crisis of some sort and need to talk..."

20130607 Photos

Brandon and Julia meet up at their college reunion.

20130610 Journal (J)

"I remember how naive and innocent I was when I first came to [college]."

20130612 Email

"I'm also afraid I'm just not as honest with myself. (Sigh)... I think I've become more concrete in my ways, and more driven in my work habits. I've left the world of fantasy to a very small corner of my life. I see you and I'm jealous of how much innocence you've maintained. You're married, but your core is untouched. Mine feels banal with slow rot."

20130613 Email

J: "This kind of banal slow rot is caused by being in the rat race of pursuing people you don't love because the 'culture' expects it and expects you to base your self-esteem on it."

20130617 Email

"I felt depressed for not having something planned, or someone to come home to... My muscles were tired from yesterday's workout, a workout I do to keep in shape for myself, but also to attract someone with whom I'm never satisfied."

20130617 Journal (J)

"I've dated some guys, slept with some guys... It's like an addiction. In the process, I've developed a thicker skin; I think I'm less sensitive... I think I know why I keep chasing guys, I have a hypothesis. When I was growing up, my father wasn't around... It's probably that I have had this hole in my life and I keep trying to fill it."

20130618 IM

"I just want to curl up and hide inside a box...far away."

20130716 Email

"You're right that I do spread my emotional support far, and that's because I don't want to collapse on one person. That can be a huge burden for just one person."
"I don't know why I need to feed myself to the caterpillars. Maybe I feel inadequately loved or accepted as a child and I am casting the net wide to fill that void. Maybe I'm practicing at building a network of power (power for what I do not know)."
"I still don't know who I am and I am still trying to figure that out... As I get older, I realize I have become softer towards people (because I don't want to hate anyone), and I have hated as a child and maybe still have a lot of hate inside me."
"I had a miserable time my first year in California. It got so bad that I called a suicide hot line not once but twice. I never even attempted suicide, I just needed answers to what was going on with me."

20130723 Email

"I'm really worried about my brother... I think [he] is becoming an alcoholic but I'm not sure. I still think he needs therapy, but I don't know how to motivate him to seek help.

20130809 Email

"Outside of work, I'm lonely... Jason broke up with me last week. I feel bad for him, and I actually said a prayer (and I haven't done that in a while). He asked me who I had slept with and I told him, and then he said he couldn't do this anymore... From his perspective, he needs someone who can "honor" him (i.e. not sleep with other guys), and that someone needs to be very patient since he won't see Jason for weeks or days at a time."

20131222 Email

J: " We haven't talked for over a month and in all that time I tried to call you multiple times, you tried to call me once... I give up."

201402aa Photos


201402bb Photos

Julia is in town for work and visits Brandon for a few days.

20140215 Journal (J)

"We talk about my sadness and my anger. I don't think I realized before how much that had to do with my brother [...] I never gave any outlet to that anger, and every time I got angry, not only then but since, I got this awful choking sensation. The therapist got me to imagine what I would do, how I would act out my anger, what I would do to my brother, he encouraged me to imagine even violent things. I had never done that before, let myself do that before. I got very emotional and I started to cry. I'm tearing up even now... I have been angry at my parents too... I have felt even hatred as a child."

20140216 Journal (J)

J: "'We can go anywhere you want,' Benny said in the morning, and so we did."

20140221 Journal (J)

J: "'Sorry, my hand is cold,' he said, but he didn't move it and the next picture shows his little finger daintily lifted so that it wasn't touching my skin any more. Cold or uncomfortable with this simple skin-to-skin contact with a woman?"

20140222 Journal (J)

J: "The flowers were pale orange roses [...]. The fact that Benny didn't consider them precious or important enough to take back to his own house didn't bode well for Marcos."

20140313 Email

" I was super happy and shouting for joy the entire drive home. Then, I got a little angry. I was angry that I didn't have many other attorneys in my office who I felt close enough to celebrate with, and I mean genuine celebration. It's competitive in the office, and many people fall into groups that I can't find my way into. I'm not sure whether I don't care enough or whether I'm blackballed by attorneys who don't like that I'm antisocial."
"Thank you so much for caring, and for writing, and for struggling."

20140728 Letter

"It's like [my brother] is on one side of a door, and I'm on the other. I open the door, and I expect [him] to welcome me warmly to his side. I open the door expecting him to be curious about what is on my side. I see no interest on his face; I'm hurt."
"I agree with [my brother] that our biological father is low-functioning."
"I wish I could be a better friend for you. You're a great one for me." [PDF]

20140801 Email

"That's it with my vacation. I'm sad (and angry at no one in particular but myself) that it is over. I don't look forward to seeing my co-workers, the judges, or clients."
"I realize I don't like being a lawyer anymore; it's too stressful. Unfortunately, there is nothing else I can think of doing right now that would bring me as much joy (other than traveling, and perhaps writing). On the bright side, it is very interesting work, and I won't be bored (just very busy). What I dread most is that I won't be living life so much as grinding away."

201411aa Photos

Julia is in town for work and visits Brandon for a few days.

20141121 Journal (J)

J: "So [ST] is Mr. Right Now?"
B: "Yeah," Benny shrugged, "I like him a lot, I arguably love him, but we can go weeks without seeing each other and then we pick up where we left off."

20141125 IM

J: "I feel like I need more time to shapeshift between what I am with you and what I am with others."

20141129 Email

"When you were here, I realized this [work] assignment turns me away from people and more into myself. It's really gross actually, like spooning tasteless food into my mouth. I know I can do this, and I know it will be fine, but I, too, feel like I'm dying slowly... my relationships are suffering, and I'm punishing those around me."

20141208 Email

J: "I learned that if I dress up for someone else's party you would gush, but if I write a poem for you, you wouldn't even acknowledge it. I guess the latter is a throwback to the time when you looked through me as if I were invisible."

20141212 Email

J: "I can't even express my happiness around you... When I woke up in your living room and the first thing I saw was you making coffee, I wanted to laugh with happiness, and why shouldn't I? When you say you are sad or when I see that you are, I want to hug you, would that be so terrible? I always stop myself, because every time in the past you have stopped me, with remarks like the one above, or with negative body language... I can't express my sadness in person either. This time when I visited you, you said several times how you wanted to give a particular person a hug when you thought they needed it... The few times when I've freely expressed sadness in front of you, not only there was none of that but your body language was saying you wished I were gone."

20141215 Email

"You're right; I don't hug you when you're sad. The misogynist in me is quite hard to change, but I'm aware of that. I've even talked to my therapist about it and you know what he said: join the club."
"Here's my frustration: my passion for work is now seething resentment and bitterness. I keep thinking I would rather tear people's faces off rather than see another human being."

20141216 Email

J: "I hadn't heard about gay misogyny before you mentioned it, but a web search reveals it's a common narrative. Which means you likely got it from someone else--who was it? Did you or your therapist mention it first?"

20141221 IM

J: "We talk about the mysogyny issue, we understand it, we solve it. Or we never speak again."
B: "I'm not talking about it. I'm not going to stop talking to you because you want to throw down an ultimatum."

20150103 IM

J: "Do you dislike hugging women in general, just women who are sad, or me when I'm sad?"

20150104 Email

J: "As if you'd be satisfied with just one significant person in your life. For you "significant people" may be the guys you date and/or sleep with, and for me they may be a husband and a friend. I don't see anything wrong with that."

20150111 IM

J: "ignoring my emails isn't conducive to talking"

20150120 Email

J: "The 'peaceful friendship' you have seemingly enjoyed having with me for the past few years was built on my never expressing emotion. Every time I do you react as if it doesn't exist or as if it's something repulsive or wrong."
J: "I am angry that you never visited me in [...] and lied to me about the reason... Did you really think I believed for a second that for the 4 years I lived in [...] you couldn't afford to visit me once? You didn't visit me in [...] and didn't come to my wedding in Florida because it wasn't important to you... It wasn't worth it to you because there was nothing to be gained in terms of ego, sex, or status (and for insecure guys these three things tend to be conflated)."

20150130 IM

J: "chat will be me trying to eke out an answer and you evading it or yelling. email"

20150216 Email

"It does not feel like a friendship when you attack me. It also feels uncomfortable when you write me a poem that compares me to your husband. That comparison suggests I'm more than a friend, equal or superior (in your eyes) to a husband. I want to be a friend, but am I that for you? Or am I more? I don't wish to be more than a friend."
"You and I claim we don't get respect from one another for various reasons. I guess you say I don't respect you because of these boundaries, and I say you don't respect me because you overstep boundaries."

20150223 Email

J: "We understand each other in a way that our partners can't [understand us]. That has little to do with what role you give another person in your life and much to do with their nature and what parts of it they have chosen to cultivate."

20150315 Email

J: "Want to be a friend? Then don't lie to me, don't ignore me, don't use me for comfort when you feel bad and then discard me when you feel better, don't neglect to give comfort when I feel bad. And don't act righteous and accuse me of attacking you when I simply state that every time you did these things, I noticed, I knew, and it hurt me."

20150321 Email

"If you're trying to write me off because it's too painful to try to be friends with me, then say that."

20150322 Email

"You and I will never see "friendship" the same. I think you're right that I have used you emotionally; and, although you have done the same, I think I have benefited more selfishly that you. For that reason, I am deeply sorry. I'm horrible for that, and I'm going to accept it because I don't think we should be friends anymore."
"I am sad that our tortured friendship is coming to an end."
"I should have come to visit you in [...]. I had the money; I did not spend it on a ticket to see you. I should have come to your wedding and witnessed an amazing event--your marriage... I chose other things, other people, arguably more fleeting and less important in my life.
"I didn't want there to be ambiguity about whether I respect you enough to write back. I do respect you, but I don't think we make good friends. Or maybe a better way of saying that is I don't make a good friend for you. I'm sorry."

20150329 Email

J: "I'm finding this tendency for self-absolution to be an American self-indulgence. Who apart from yourself benefits from you "accepting" your horribleness? Nobody. ... this sort of "acceptance" is simply the easiest thing to do--that is, to do nothing... If it makes you sad to end our friendship and saying that wasn't self-absolving lip service, then don't end it-- improve it."

20150414 IM

"This one is gonna hurt emotionally, a lot."

20150501 IM

J: when can you talk this weekend?
B: It's crazy here

20150501 Audio Brandon leaves Julia an angry voicemail. [MP3]
20150520 Journal (J)

J: "The true measure of a person is how he treats those from whom he has nothing to want. How you regard me is always a side effect of something else. I am the canary in the mine of your soul."

20150524 Journal (J)

J: "If it was nothing to you, why are you still punishing me for it five months later? But it wasn't nothing, was it. You ignored a gift and then lied about ignoring it, and I called you out on both. And because you know very well you were at fault but are too proud to admit it, you punish me instead."

20151002 Email

J: "Sometimes I have nightmares feeling anxiety that I don't experience in real life and haven't since [college]. In these nightmares, you aren't talking to me and I'm trying to fix it."

20151004 IM

J: "the true measure of your character is how you treat those from whom you have nothing to want"

20151011 Email

J: "I speak my mind despite how much you punish me for it because self-censoring all the time hurts even more... How did you feel when you censored yourself all the time?... You told me sometimes you didn’t want to live."

20151018 Audio "I don't want to listed to [your words] any more, and I don't have to!" [MP3]
20151018 IM

J: "It's very easy to say 'i don't feel that strongly about you' after i was part of the strength you needed for years and that has also in part given you the confidence you have."